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Swinging baby

June 12th, 2007

Every baby needs a swing for some down time.

My children really enjoyed the swing, up to about six months old. However, I had to catch myself from putting my baby in there too often. It is tempting to use it as a convenient babysitter.

Here are some guidelines to make the most of the Baby Swing:

When to put the baby in the swing:
*When the baby looks like he is tired but too alert to fall asleep. The swinging motion will lull him to nap.
*When she’s awake but is not active nor in the mood to play. You can put her in the swing while you do chores close by. It’s a bonding time while you sing and talk to her as you work.
*When he wants to be a part of the group when family and friends are gathered. He can “join in” the conversation with everyone in the room, while being entertained by the swing without fussing.

When NOT to put the baby in the swing:
*When the baby cries when you put him in. He is trying to tell you he needs something else, and that something is not to be left in a swing.
*When you cannot be there to keep an eye on him. Do not leave him in a swing while you attend to something else in another room.
*When she just had a nap and she is energetic. You want to optimize her awake time with play and fun, not passive sitting in a swing.

Here’s a good swing that is simple to use, at a reasonable price.

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