Entries Tagged as 'selfishness'

Why we don’t spend more time with our children

October 22nd, 2009 / 4 Comments

I am a substitute teacher, and I think teachers have the hardest job in the world! To be surrounded by 20-30 little kids all day and trying to keep them on task is stressful to say the least. I substitute occasionally, and that’s about all I can handle! And when it comes to being a […]

Living with my mother-in-law

June 24th, 2008 / 37 Comments

My mother-in-law lives with us. You read it right. My mother-in-law lives with us. My father-in-law passed away of cancer about 10 years ago, and she has been living with us for about that long now. What is your reaction when you read this? People usually think I am either a martyr or a saint. […]

The Rebelution

March 19th, 2008 / 3 Comments

There is a general consensus that teenagers nowadays are materialistic, selfish, and have no worthwhile goals in life. We don’t want our teenagers to go down that road. Yes, there is hope! The Rebelution is a movement started by two teenage boys to challenge other teens to go against the grain of that culture. Their […]


October 31st, 2007 / No Comments

What do you hope your children will be like when they grow up? We want them to have a good education, be financially secure, settle down and have a good family, right? Have you thought about wanting your children to be compassionate people? Merriam-Webster defines compassion as “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a […]