Entries Tagged as 'kids'

The foundation of discipline

February 26th, 2008 / 6 Comments

This is the second article in the series on Discipline. Honestly, no one likes to be disciplined, isn’t that right? Whether you are an adult being disciplined by the law or by your boss, or you are a child disciplined by a teacher or by a parent, it’s definitely no fun.

It’s not always about discipline

February 21st, 2008 / 8 Comments

This is the first article in a series on Discipline Dr. Laura was asked a question by a mother about the proper method of disciplining her son to behave well when they go to the market. Her response I thought was right on. Dr. Laura said, “It’s not always about discipline.” Children do not behave […]

A sense of humor

February 5th, 2008 / 4 Comments

“Why didn’t anyone tell me being a parent would be so hard?” Let me tell you now – being a parent is HARD. I was talking to a friend who has a one-year-old daughter. “She takes so much out of me,” he sighed. Yes, being a parent is hard, but it’s also a matter of […]

10 ways to relax – with the kids around

February 1st, 2008 / 6 Comments

Have you ever had one of those days where you could barely squeeze in 5 minutes to use the bathroom? At one time I had my 3 little ones in diapers, it’s a wonder my bladder didn’t explode! Or I could’ve used a diaper myself. 🙂 As a busy parent, we hardly have a moment […]

Get Into the Christmas Spirit!

December 7th, 2007 / 1 Comment

Are you getting overwhelmed by the busyness of the holidays? Take it easy on yourself and keep things simple yet meaningful. Cindy Leung, a mother of 2, shares a few simple ideas for creating great memories for your family.

What do we want for our children?

December 6th, 2007 / 2 Comments

During recess at the elementary school today where I was substituting, I observed with interest all the children playing in the playground. There were boys playing football and kickball in the field. Groups of kids were playing handball and basketball on the blacktop. Some were on the swings and monkey bars. Many of the girls […]

What do you give your kids for Christmas?

December 5th, 2007 / No Comments

My family was not financially well off when I was growing up. At Christmas we did not receive any presents from my parents. After all, they reasoned, they give us room and board, isn’t that enough? Can’t argue with that. I brought along a similar frugal mentality when we had children. Since as a young […]

Gift ideas

December 4th, 2007 / 3 Comments

Would you agree it is hard to buy presents for kids nowadays? Would they actually appreciate the present or would it end up in their garage sale next month? I personally refuse to purchase the overpriced toys that advertisers try to entice you to buy. I know every kid has on their wish list an […]

Protecting our Children’s Innocence

December 3rd, 2007 / 4 Comments

I learn a lot about parenting from my kids. I often ask for their advice. I asked my 18-year-old daughter why she thinks some of the teenagers at school are precocious while others are not. She had a good answer: What kids watch on TV influences their behavior. As I walk around the junior high […]

Teaching Kids to be Respectful

November 30th, 2007 / 2 Comments

“My kids are so disrespectful when they talk to me. How can I get them to show some respect at home?” I have to warn you here, you may not like my answer. I wish there is an easy answer to that question. But from what I have experienced and observed, the answer requires you […]