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Back To School Night

September 6th, 2008 / 4 Comments

I attended my daughter’s Back to School Night last week.

We are blessed to have a great turn-out of parents for such events at the schools.

Parent involvement is the number one factor in student success.

A friend who is a teacher told me of many incidences when she makes an appointment with parents to discuss their children’s problems in school, and the parents don’t show up for the appointment. Where does that leave the children?

I’ve posted on this topic of school involvement before and gave eight ways for parents to get involved. Since the school year just started, it’s time to refresh our memories and get motivated again! Remember our involvement need not stop after elementary school. Teens especially need to know we are there for them and to keep them accountable.

Here are some suggestions for parents who work outside the home to get involved with their children’s school:

1. Surprise your child once in a while by taking a half-day off at work and volunteer to help at the school. Many parents will take a personal day to get their hair done, but why not use that time to be involved in your child’s life?

2. Read and sign all paperwork you get from school. Sometimes I get lazy and merely skim through what seems to be “junk mail” from school that my children bring home. But everything at the school affects your child, so make sure you read everything thoroughly and keep in touch with what’s going on.

3. Send a note to the teacher, or call the teacher at least once a quarter. Most parents only talk to the teacher when there is a problem. How about talking to the teacher when things are going well? This way, you can give the teacher some encouragement (would you want to be with 30 kids for 6 hours every day with no one giving you a word of appreciation??).  For example, a simple note that says, “My child seems to be doing well in your class. Thank you for your hard work.”

You might also ask a question, such as “My child seems to be doing well in your class. What area do you see that he might improve on?” Even though you may well be satisfied with your child’s progress, keeping regular contact with the teacher keeps the teacher on her toes, and keeps you involved.

4 Be sure to check your child’s homework every night. Teachers tell me that accountability at home is the most effective way for the children to get their homework done.

5. Attend all weekend or evening events, such as Back to School Night, Open House, Carnivals, Fundraisers, etc. I know it takes some effort to rush after work, and it may even seem like your child doesn’t care. But believe me, it makes a difference for your child to know you made that effort to be there.

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  1. Thanks for visiting my site. It’s always nice to meet new people.

    I am jealous that you were going swimming! How unfair!

    Don’t we all want what we don’t have?

    Have a nice Sunday.

  2. Volunteering is mandatory at my children’s school. Each and every family has to log a minimum of 50 hours (most do much more than that). If you don’t, your tuition goes up. That’s all there is to it.

  3. Amy: Your site is beautiful, and great encouraging words.

    Momo: That’s perfect. If only they can require it in public schools, student achievements would improve.

  4. We just had Back-to-School Night at the high school – my son was SO excited to have us check out his classrooms.

    lol – I guess I’m one of the lucky ones – Hubz attended with me. 🙂


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