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Say thank you

September 9th, 2007

How often do we remind our children to say “Thank you” when they receive something?

“Say Thank You to Aunt Mary for the nice sweater.”

“Say Thank You to the nice lady for giving you a cookie.”

Here is a searching question for us: How often do we say Thank You to our children when they do something nice? Too often we take our family for granted and neglect to say a few kind words.

Today is Day 9 of our 30 Day to Better Parenting Challenge. Take a moment to say Thank You to each one of your children, and your spouse, for something you appreciate about each one. No matter what ages your children are, it’s always encouraging to hear nice words spoken. If your children are older and away from home, call them. No, email or text messaging doesn’t count. It’s important to hear it said, because it is more personal.

“Thank You for setting up the table for dinner every night.”

“Thank You for making me laugh.”

“Thank You for being a good student.”

“Thank You for helping with the dishes.”

The most important people in our lives, the ones who are closest to us, need to hear those words of Thank You.

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